Don’t Future-Proof. Become Future-Ready
We don’t talk enough about the future, even though its unfolding around us every day. When we can see where our professions and communities and industries are going, we realize that we can embrace the future, not try to hold it back. That’s where we’ll find our best opportunities - for the people and places we care about, and for ourselves.
Future Here Now is for anyone who wants to understand how the fundamentals of our world are changing — and leverage these sea changes to become Future Ready. We examine big - but often overlooked - developments in technology, communications, culture, economics, policy, and more. We lay out the profound, epochal evolution that’s unfolding under our noses - the deep societal changes that impact everything, but that we often miss in our day to day.
Readers who find Future Here Now useful run the gamut. They include small business owners, thoughtful professionals, entrepreneurs, city planners, economic developers, city managers, nonprofit leaders, policy wizards, journalists and more.
What they have in common: a desire to see deeply into where we’re going, and to get ahead of what that future will require of us.
And they’re excited about the potential - for ourselves as individuals, and for the organizations, issues and places we care about.
Future Here Now publishes three days per week. Most weeks include posts that fit in some of these categories:
Signals - analysis of new stories, particularly ones you might have missed, examining what they show us about how we will live and work in organizations and communities in the not - distant future.
Toolkits - tips, tricks and techniques that you can use now and in the future to live and work Future Ready.
Flashbacks - reposts of useful and interesting materials from my archives. I’ve been writing about these topics for nearly 20 years, so the vaults are deep!
Reprises - Amendments, revisions and occasionally reversals of things I’ve written in the past. It’s part of life in a VUCA era.
Updates - Occasional updates on projects I’m working on or opportunities you might find useful.
Full subscribers get every post, plus occasional extras, like a Short Shot publication or special invitations. And all of that for only $5 a month.
Founding subscribers get the Full Subscriber benefits plus one coaching call or online presentation each year — a steal at just $40 more.
Free subscribers get one of these pieces selected at random every week. Which means you’re missing a lot
We have a great future in the wings, but to get there we have to become Future Ready. I hope you’ll join us.
Della Rucker is the usual voice and face of the Wise Economy Workshop. Della is an urban planner, economic developer and public engagement specialist who walked away from all that for 5 years —
Because the conventional tools that she had learned to use weren’t making the impact she saw that the communities she cared about needed.
In spaces as varies as technology, higher education and advancing Black-owned entrepreneurs, she began to see some ways out of the box of her old thinking. And that’s the jouney she’s inviting you to join.
Why subscribe?
Future Here Now tells you about important stuff that you might not find elsewhere- a fun, enjoyable and occasionally funny way. So you understand how you can help the places you care about…without getting stuck in old ways that haven’t worked before, or aren’t working today.
We’re living in an era of epoch-level transformation - like going from the Medieval era to the Industrial Revolution. But faster. A lot faster.
If we and our communities don’t ride this wave, it will swamp us. Let’s bring the Future Here, Now. Together.
You can also reach Della and the Wise Economy Workshop on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WordPress and Medium.
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